George Petrides’ new body of work Legends of the Gulf is now taking form in his studio, consisting of 6 sculptures which are informed by the history and culture of the 6 countries of the GCC:

إقلاع جيرفالكون Gyr Taking Off

الحصان العربي Arabian Horse

البدوي The Bedouin

صقر مع فريسة Saker with Prey

الجن الخبيث Mischievous Djinn

الداو في النسيم Dhow in a Breeze

As with Hellenic Heads, he bases his sculptures on personal history as well as research. He first visited the region, specifically Bahrain, as a teenager living in Athens in the 1970s. Later, his father and other members of his family worked for prominent Saudis in shipping and real estate businesses in Athens and Cairo in the 1980s and 1990s. In 2021, he visited the Emirates to present his sculptures. This new body of work will premiere in 2025 in the aforementioned countries.